Commercial Solar

Go Green & Save Money

We offer an array of commercial rooftop solar solutions.

Explore Solar For Your Business

Purchase Option

We offer a range of purchase and finance options to suit the unique needs of our commercial and industrial customers. Investing in solar not only propels your business towards a greener future but also offers substantial financial benefits. Our clients can take advantage of the federal solar investment tax credit, monetize Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs), and leverage bonus depreciation to maximize returns on their solar investment. Partner with us to navigate these incentives seamlessly and transform your energy consumption into a sustainable, cost-saving solution.

PPA Options

We understand that upfront investment can be a hurdle. That’s why we offer Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) as a compelling alternative to purchasing solar systems outright. With a PPA, there’s no initial capital expenditure required from your business. Instead, you can enjoy the benefits of solar energy by simply paying for the power generated at a fixed, often lower rate. This approach not only supports your transition to green energy but also ensures predictable energy costs, making it an ideal solution for companies looking to save money and embrace green power.

Roof Lease

We offer innovative roof lease options tailored for landlords and tenants. If you’re a property owner, our company can rent your roof space to install solar panels, transforming an otherwise underutilized area into a sustainable energy source. We then sell the generated solar power directly to your building tenants, creating a win-win situation. This arrangement not only enhances the building’s value and sustainability profile but also provides an additional revenue stream for landlords while offering tenants access to green, cost-effective energy.

Community Solar

Our company takes pride in owning and developing our own solar farms, setting us apart from others who merely offer power from third-party-owned facilities. This direct ownership allows us to provide more reliable, efficient, and tailored solar solutions to our commercial customers. By choosing our community solar programs, businesses not only benefit from a seamless and integrated experience but also contribute to a more sustainable community, knowing their energy comes directly from our expertly managed solar farms.

We are trusted by some of the nation’s leading brands:

Our Simple Solar Process

Getting Started
First, provide us with copies of your utility bills and business information. We can conduct a thorough utility analysis to be utilized when calculating potential solar savings.
Solar Design
Next, our team will utilize state-of-the-art software to design a solar array system on your rooftop or utilizing parking lot carports. The design will allow you to envision how the system will look.
Deal Analysis
Next, we will develop a detailed financial analysis of the solar deal. We can show you several options from cash purchase to finance to PPA. This allows you to grasp the financial impact and ROI of the project.
If you decide on a purchase option and need to finance the cost of the solar system, we can help you with financing. We have several in-house options and can also present third-party lenders.
Project Management
When you decide to move forward with your solar project, we will act as the general contractor ensuring a seamless installation and construction process.
Permission To Operate (PTO)
We will manage the final phase of the solar project when the utility company signs off and approves your solar system. This is called PTO and allows your system to go live.

Get In Touch With Us Today.

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